Representation of Islam and Muslims in post 9/11 Orientalist Narrative

Author Details

Dr. Ebrahim Mohammed Alwuraafi

Journal Details


Published: 8 October 2019 | Article Type :


Since the attacks of September 11, hundreds of novels have been written on and about Islam. Such novels attempt to explain Islam or portray Muslims. Some of these novels have tried to explain the true Islam as opposed to fundamentalism, as a religion of peace, tolerance and charity while others have depicted Islam as an evil religion, a religion of Jihad, death and terrorism. One of these novels which belong to the latter category is John Elray’s Khalifah: A Novel of Conquest and Personal Triumph. The novel attempts to portray Islam as a religion which purportedly harbors hostility towards other religions and races. It tries to convey the idea that Islam, a harsh and intolerant creed, spread by the sword. The present article attempts to analyze the portrayal of Islam and Muslims in Khalifah. It examines the ways in which Elray has represented Islam and Muslims in his novel. The aim of the article is to explore how Islam is depicted and Muslim identities are constructed in the novel. The article argues that Khalifah nudges the reader toward viewing Islam as a danger to Western interests. The main purpose of the novelist is to demonize Islam and dehumanize Muslims particularly the first generation of Muslims.

Keywords: Orientalist, Islam, Muslims, Post 9/11 narrative.

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How to Cite


Dr. Ebrahim Mohammed Alwuraafi. (2019-10-08). "Representation of Islam and Muslims in post 9/11 Orientalist Narrative." *Volume 3*, 4, 6-21